Every town needs a remakery

Us RUDE Guys strongly agree with Sophie. And repair skills whilst appreciated by the minority are not embraced by the majority. Why repair when you can buy something new is what we hear most of the time. Oftentimes people have not thought out why repair is of value but when it is explained to them, a light usually goes on.

We are having our first repair event in our local town on the 8th April, 2017. You can find out more on our Facebook open group @menditmelton

The Earthbound Report

The Edinburgh Remakery is a social enterprise that teaches repair. The shop sells refurbished computers and furniture, and hosts workshops where people can come along and learn how to repair their own things. There’s a big vision behind it: “we want to generate a repair revolution. This means changing the way people use and dispose of resources, encouraging manufacturers to build things to last and to be fixable, and making sure the facilities are in place to allow people to repair and reuse.”

The Remakery was founded by Sophie Unwin, after spending a year in Nepal. There she saw a culture of repair and stewardship that was absent in our own throwaway society – but it used to be there. Previous generations knew how to fix things. This generation just needs some re-skilling, access to the tools to do it, and some encouragement to give it a go. It’s…

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6 thoughts on “Every town needs a remakery

  1. This is absolutely fantastic Karen. I dream of having something like this around here. However there is so much difficulty with the profit making motive and beaurocracy that it seems virtually impossible to do without forming a cooperative of like minded people who would donate their time and skills to keep it going. Perhaps this lady just makes enough profit to keep it going. Otherwise, how would she manage to live?

    Liked by 1 person

    • My understanding is that the Makery in Edinburgh is a NFP. There would be paid staff. They sell upcycled goods [and you know how much some NFPs are charging for them!]. Also it runs courses and would charge fees. I am not sure about volunteers.


  2. I wish you luck with your Mend it Melton initiative. Tiny steps but it’s look good. I love the idea of the Op Shop because it is right there at the source of the “stuff”. You two work so hard for intangible rewards. Well, intangible to the philistines.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks as always for your comments Jacqui. Yes, Mend It, Melton is going to need some good luck wishes until it gains momentum.

      It’s wonderful that our local Uniting Church is offering up its room upstairs in its brand new Charity Shop.

      This room can accommodate a hundred people and has a commercial kitchen too! We hope in time the charity will get the connection between stuff it gets donated and MIM’s mission of mending, repair and fixing. Such synergies yet to be realised.


    • I guess time will tell. And yes, let’s hope it remains viable. It’s sad for RUDE Girl to read about the secondhand market that is closing in Singapore. Thank you for your comment Agy.


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